English Like A Native Podcast

Your English Five a Day #39.2

β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 333

E333: πŸŽ™οΈ Welcome to The English Like a Native Podcast! I'm your host, Anna, and you're tuning in to Week 39, Day 2 of Your English Five a Day. This podcast is dedicated to helping you improve your English listening skills, expand your vocabulary, and, hopefully, have a delightful time.

⚽ In today's episode, our vocabulary list starts off with the verb "face". Then, we move on to the noun "pitch", in the sense of football! After that, we dive into the verb "substitute" and the idiom "ruffle some feathers". Finally, we take a look at the adjective "phenomenal".

πŸ₯… Tune in for some pronunciation practice and a quick quiz to encourage you to recap the words we've covered. In today's story section, the underdog football team faces the reigning champions in an intense match. After a tough first half, the new player Jake is substituted in and scores a phenomenal goal, giving the underdogs the lead. As the game nears its end, tension rises as the champions fight back, leaving the outcome uncertain.


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