English Like A Native Podcast

Your English Five a Day #37.4

β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 323

E323: πŸŽ™οΈ Welcome to The English Like a Native Podcast, your go-to resource for expanding your English vocabulary! I'm your host, Anna, and I'm bringing you Week 37, Day 4 of Your English Five a Day. Each weekday, we delve into five new vocabulary items, exploring their meanings, usage, and pronunciation.

🏑 In today's episode, we start off with the phrasal verb "storm out", followed by the adjective "stubborn". Then, we dive into the nouns "quibble" and "household". Finally, we wrap up with another noun "ironing".

πŸ‘” Don't forget to tune in to the pronunciation practice segment, and a quick quiz to review the words. In today's story time, we get a peek into the home life of Tom and Jenny. Living in a usually happy household, they suddenly clash over ironing techniques.


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