English Like A Native Podcast

Your English Five a Day #28.1

β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 264

E264: πŸŽ™οΈ Welcome to The English Like a Native Podcast! I'm your host, Anna, and you're tuning in to Week 28, Day One of Your English Five a Day. This series aims to boost your active vocabulary by introducing five new words or phrases every weekday.

🌟 Let's dive into today's lineup. First up is the noun "stamina". Then we explore the idiom "to strike a chord." After that, we dive into the adjective "strenuous" and the verb "whistle". We wrap up today's list with the noun "enthusiasm".

πŸ‘Ÿ In today's inspiring story, we meet Samantha, whose passion for fitness led her to start a walking club for middle-aged individuals struggling with stamina and injuries. Overhearing their frustrations struck a chord with her, and she saw the opportunity to make a difference.


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